Hey punk
What the heck are you laughing at?
No geekiness required to enjoy, but world-weary cynicism might be helpful
Yeah, so I was out for about a week. I should have left a message notifying people I'd be away, but I didn't think of it. It won't happen again - next time I'll try to find someone to post the updates while I'm gone (I keep a bunch in reserve). But to make it up to you guys, today is a double bonus day - enjoy all the links!
I'm trying for 4 links a day. We're getting more hits every day (tell your friends, if you have any) but still I only get trickles of feedback. Please let me know what you guys love and what you hate, so I can keep the quality up to par.
We all know that there are some sick sick people out there. Some of them, apparently, also have no sense of smell.
...and put it in the trash, says the world's most honest art critic.
This site is named judageeks - how could I possibly turn down an animated recreation of the original Star Wars movie using only ASCII characters?
It's oddly fascinating, and yes, you can wake the old man up, but I was having way more fun tripping the guy on skates.
Let's drop a mayonnaise-filled pumpkin off an eight story building! Oh, and film it.
To be honest, I thought this sounded dumb. And it is dumb. And corny. And incredibly cool in a really creepy way.
I'd recommend poking like 20 times or so. But you should probably have looked for the warning label first.
Don't bother reading the site - it's not funny at all. It's just the title that will crack you up.
The CIA couldn't catch him. Neither could the Marines. No, what we really need if we ever want to stop Osama Bin Laden is some guy with a Geocities account and, apparently, no sense of humor.
Ever felt the need to turn into a cabbage? Don't worry - it's not permanent. We can turn you back.
Continuing the Google theme, let's see what our search engine friends have to say about "french military victories."