Watch out, IMDB
Finally a site dedicated to films about muffins. What took so long?
No geekiness required to enjoy, but world-weary cynicism might be helpful
I'm struggling to decide if this is "bizarre" or merely "unholy." You decide.
person in America to hear about this hilarious little clip. But I bet one of you is the last.
... why not send your date a nice card from Saves time - you can avoid the whole "relationship" thing and get straight to the breakup.
Please, peeps, if you like one of the links LEAVE A COMMENT. My logs say lots of people are visiting but no one is commenting, and so i don't know which links people like. Feedback will help me choose only the funniest links, so tell me what you like!
Come on, even as a kid you suspected this. That cute little unibrow disguises a truly twisted mind.
This is a little more disturbing than strictly funny, but it is a nice continuation to yesterday's dead puppies link.
What do you get when you cross American-loving Japanese pop culture with really really bad language skills? That's right folks! It's time for some Engrish!
Edit: I would be remiss if I didn't specifically point everyone to this particular example.
Come on, all you guys out there in PC land, 'fess up. This has happened to you at least once.
For the girls reading this, all I can say is we will BRB.
If you've seen a lot of these links before, it's because I used to distribute them via AIM before switching to this format. Bear with me as I clean out my backlog, and in a day or so it will all be new stuff. In the meantime, I've thrown in a few new links among the old favorites.
Also, if you like the new style PLEASE COMMENT. I want feedback to know what people do and don't like.
This isn't so much funny as really really trippy. Also, it loops, so eventually you need to, all on your own, work up the willpower to stop staring. You were warned.
The fine art of Jewish books:
Chalav Yisrael: The Beard In Jewish Law
And yes, it's a real book. I'm as lost as you are.
how much $$$ would I have to pay you?
My answer: 10,000 bucks. 5,000 would go to the nearest animal shelter, and 5,000 would go a long way to assuaging my guilt...
Ok peeps, we are dropping the "news for geeks" format. Instead, we will be posting hilarious links. Little or no commentary, just off the walls links. Tell your friends.
In honor of this relaunch, I've removed most of the old posts, except for those few which fit our new format nicely. I still have copies of everything else, if anyone wants to see an old post.
Oh, and random bolding is still cool.