Click here for some demotivation!

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Safe Sign

They don't get safer than this one...

You are not Dave Chappelle

so please shut up.

Barney loves you

That's why you need to kill him with an axe.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005


The donut!

Monday, June 06, 2005

English to Gangsta Translator

Want to connect with your inner-city child without getting mugged? Give this translator a shot.

Wait! Don't really shoot it. Man, you take to this gangsta stuff fast!

It's just a movie, people...

No, really. Star Wars is just a movie. Really. Please stop referring to it as a secret history. It's not winning you any friends.


Join now before this deal swirls down the drain!

Robot Frank, an inspiration to all

"Once upon a time there lived a robot named Frank. Frank was not a nice robot. In fact, many people who knew him well would often say they wish they had not."

His story...

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Get your PhD in a week!

Simply submit a couple of papers from this automated Computer Science paper generator.

The scariest thing is how close these papers look to the real thing (and i should know!)

Sunday, April 10, 2005

Eye Will Survive

A visual pun this bad is worth it's weight in gold!

Thursday, April 07, 2005

Moshiach Has Arrived!

I am the moshaich!

No, wait, he is.

Well, that or insane. We report; you decide.

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Good News!

The French only hate us because they think we are Canada.

Honest mistake... could have happened to anyone...

Monday, April 04, 2005

Numa Numa Update!

I guess this is something he can show his grandkids.

Numa Guy: They made a flash animation of me!
Grandkids: What's a flash animation?
Numa Guy: Whippersnappers!

Friday, April 01, 2005

Have you noticed the lack of Jewish Humor

on a website called judageeks? Yeah, yeah, self hating, etc. But this link makes up for months of jew-less posts.

Aren't the kinderlach cute?

Monday, March 14, 2005

Rebbet Shirts!


At least, I hope that's what it is, because if it's actually "www.Rebbe T" I'm going to hurt myself laughing.

Sunday, March 13, 2005

We're Hunting Wabbits!

Business model:

1) Kidnap a rabbit.
2) Threaten to kill it on a website.
3) Profit.

(in case you were really concerned, click here.)

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Your Very Own Church Sign!

Sometimes we don't realize what we're missing until someone gives it to us.

Friday, February 18, 2005

The Hottest New Singer

This kid was featured in the Daily News and other papers - he's the world's newest internet celebrity. It's so funny I want to sing... numa numa yay!

Dumb People and Their Computers

I think the best explanation is given by the quote from the site:

"On two occasions, I have been asked [by members of Parliament], 'Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out?' I am not able to rightly apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."

-- Charles Babbage* (1791-1871)

* In the mid 1800's Charles Babbage designed a never-built steam driven machine that strongly resembles the modern computer.

Kitsch is cool

Not funny, but very very amusing.

For the women out there

Please don't yell at me for posting this. Because that would just sort of prove the point.

Saturday, February 05, 2005

Do you like the moon

So do I. But we're not in their league.

Thursday, February 03, 2005

Work hard, young fella

and someday your invention might make it into the Gallery of Obscure Patents.

Money Origami

Why pay extra for paper when dollar bills will suffice?

Sawing off part of Manhattan

and other totally unbelievable but nevertheless true stories.

I don't usually

link to blogs, and I also try not to link to anything with a lot of Hebrew, but this is so brilliant that I had to make an exception.

Politics Night!

So yeah, I took another hiatus. I really really try not to do that too often, but I do this stuff as often as I can.

To make it up to you guys, I decided to make tonight's theme politics, because who doesn't love laughing at politicians? Enjoy!

State of the Union

In case you missed it.

This may be the funniest link I have ever posted.

Warning: This seems not to work in Firefox - make sure to open it in Internet Explorer.

Monty Python and Dubya Bush

It's so incredibly not funny that it's actually sort of amusing

This time

I got the jib before it was all jabbed out

Who says Hillary can't dance?

Anyone who's seen this clip, actually...

Thursday, January 20, 2005

Hey punk

What the heck are you laughing at?


Free thyselves!

A heartwrenching story

of loss and spittle.

Crouching Tiger, Naughty Monkey

Ever slapped a tiger? It looks kind of fun, actually.

Thursday, January 13, 2005

For anyone who has ever impaled a garden gnome

This one's for you.

One mountain...

...two idiots.

Yes officer,

I admit that I was breaking the law. But it's a dumb law!

That guy with the phone on the train

does not want you to get any smart ideas from this.

Monday, January 10, 2005

So I'm Baaaaaaaaaaack!

Yeah, so I was out for about a week. I should have left a message notifying people I'd be away, but I didn't think of it. It won't happen again - next time I'll try to find someone to post the updates while I'm gone (I keep a bunch in reserve). But to make it up to you guys, today is a double bonus day - enjoy all the links!

If you like black licorice,

then don't click on this link.

Fly-powered airplanes

It's creepy in a way you've never even imagined!

Baby Power!

In the "human battery" sense.

Where all the cool goths trade beanie babies.

Continuing the Goth theme...

...some poor kid must be really messed up.

Back to the future

that we expected in 1950!

Na + H20 =

good clean explosive fun

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Smack that Pinata!

Sure, it's a short clip. But that means you can play it again and again!

It could be worse

You could be a pygmy shrew.

Send it by mail!

What do you think they'd charge for Shipping and Handling?

Iowa State University's Tasty Insect Recipes

And you thought your school's cafe was bad.

In case you haven't noticed

I'm trying for 4 links a day. We're getting more hits every day (tell your friends, if you have any) but still I only get trickles of feedback. Please let me know what you guys love and what you hate, so I can keep the quality up to par.


We all know that there are some sick sick people out there. Some of them, apparently, also have no sense of smell.

Take that scribble off the fridge...

...and put it in the trash, says the world's most honest art critic.

Geeky with a captial 'G'

This site is named judageeks - how could I possibly turn down an animated recreation of the original Star Wars movie using only ASCII characters?

World's Coolest Snow Globe

It's oddly fascinating, and yes, you can wake the old man up, but I was having way more fun tripping the guy on skates.

Monday, January 03, 2005

Today's great idea...

Let's drop a mayonnaise-filled pumpkin off an eight story building! Oh, and film it.

Her Eyes, They Watch!

To be honest, I thought this sounded dumb. And it is dumb. And corny. And incredibly cool in a really creepy way.

For Sale By Mental Patient

Finally, an online store weirder than eBay.

He knows when you've been naughty

and frankly, he approves.

And the prize for most descriptive website name...

...goes to

Poke the bunny!

I'd recommend poking like 20 times or so. But you should probably have looked for the warning label first.

Warning... may induce laughter.

More Missionary Fun

Don't bother reading the site - it's not funny at all. It's just the title that will crack you up.

Saturday, January 01, 2005

"Wendy's Stalker Techniques"

I really feel that this speaks for itself.

Tora Bora, we're on our way

The CIA couldn't catch him. Neither could the Marines. No, what we really need if we ever want to stop Osama Bin Laden is some guy with a Geocities account and, apparently, no sense of humor.

Cole Slaw Nation

Ever felt the need to turn into a cabbage? Don't worry - it's not permanent. We can turn you back.

Let's Mock the French!

Continuing the Google theme, let's see what our search engine friends have to say about "french military victories."

Friday, December 31, 2004

Watch out, IMDB

Finally a site dedicated to films about muffins. What took so long?

But what's the question?

Just making sure that Google's calculator works...

Mr. T's rivalry with humanity

I'm struggling to decide if this is "bizarre" or merely "unholy." You decide.

On the Origin of Idiots

Darwin's magnum opus, updated for modern readers.

Thursday, December 30, 2004

Look Inside My Head!

This is pretty much exactly how my mind works. Oh, and llama llama duck.

I was the Second Last

person in America to hear about this hilarious little clip. But I bet one of you is the last.

Instead of sending flowers...

... why not send your date a nice card from Saves time - you can avoid the whole "relationship" thing and get straight to the breakup.

Wednesday, December 29, 2004

How's my driving?

Please, peeps, if you like one of the links LEAVE A COMMENT. My logs say lots of people are visiting but no one is commenting, and so i don't know which links people like. Feedback will help me choose only the funniest links, so tell me what you like!

Bad Cookie, Anyone?

How could I possibly add anything to a site with the name

The Really Big Button That Doesn't Do Anything

You can push it here.

Bert Is Evil

Come on, even as a kid you suspected this. That cute little unibrow disguises a truly twisted mind.

Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Apparently, skin is in...

Or at least so says the official guide to Dermatology in Cinema.

Yum! Let's eat Rover!

This is a little more disturbing than strictly funny, but it is a nice continuation to yesterday's dead puppies link.

Wery Wery Funny, Yes?

What do you get when you cross American-loving Japanese pop culture with really really bad language skills? That's right folks! It's time for some Engrish!

Edit: I would be remiss if I didn't specifically point everyone to this particular example.

She Frickin' Blocked Me!

Come on, all you guys out there in PC land, 'fess up. This has happened to you at least once.

For the girls reading this, all I can say is we will BRB.

Monday, December 27, 2004

Seen these before?

If you've seen a lot of these links before, it's because I used to distribute them via AIM before switching to this format. Bear with me as I clean out my backlog, and in a day or so it will all be new stuff. In the meantime, I've thrown in a few new links among the old favorites.

Also, if you like the new style PLEASE COMMENT. I want feedback to know what people do and don't like.

Another reason to choose Linux

Icon warfare is a silent killer. Now with sound effects.

Magical Trevor

This isn't so much funny as really really trippy. Also, it loops, so eventually you need to, all on your own, work up the willpower to stop staring. You were warned.

Ok, this is spookily accurate...

Ever done this with your roommates?

Instant Message Fighting!

Got Facial Hair?

The fine art of Jewish books:

Chalav Yisrael: The Beard In Jewish Law

And yes, it's a real book. I'm as lost as you are.

To Kill A Puppy

how much $$$ would I have to pay you?

My answer: 10,000 bucks. 5,000 would go to the nearest animal shelter, and 5,000 would go a long way to assuaging my guilt...

There's nothing to fear from missionaries

...if this is the best they can do.

Yes, it's real.

New Format!

Ok peeps, we are dropping the "news for geeks" format. Instead, we will be posting hilarious links. Little or no commentary, just off the walls links. Tell your friends.

In honor of this relaunch, I've removed most of the old posts, except for those few which fit our new format nicely. I still have copies of everything else, if anyone wants to see an old post.

Oh, and random bolding is still cool.

Monday, October 04, 2004

Famous? Who, us?

Judageeks in the news

Yup. That's right. We were in the Canadian Jewish Tribune. There's probably, like, 10 people who read that paper! That's a minyan! I need to stop using exclamation points! But it's addictive!

Next stop, the New York Times!

Monday, September 20, 2004

Yes, that's correct folks. I bought the domain name. We have a 50+ post backlog so we are ready for primetime. I will be advertising in the next few weeks. The goal is to make this a serious destination for, well, jewish geeks. Our business plan is as follows:

Step 1: Make website.
Step 2: ????
Step 3: Profit.

I shall keep you all posted.

Sunday, June 13, 2004

The real judageek

Shabot 6000

You gotta love any site that bills itself as the "world's only webcomic about an Orthodox Jewish robot"

Sunday, June 06, 2004

Random LJ Image Grabber

Random Images Pulled from LiveJournal

This page is just way too funny. What it does is pull the most recently posted images from LiveJournal and posts them on this site. It does so automagically and every time you refresh the pictures are different. Some pictures in there are hysterical. Others are just plain disturbing.

Friday, May 28, 2004

Electron Band Structure In Germanium, My Ass

If you've ever written a lab report...

...and if you haven't, what kind of judageek are you anyways?

another fine demotivator from